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Toadies Eye Candy 5: Impact
ROTEIRO > Abra as masks no psp e minimize >Ajuste o tamanho dos tubes de acordo com suas imagens * >>Clique duas vezes no preset Eye Candy 5 para que seja instalado no plugin 1 Cores: Foreground: #8fa8b1 - Background: #416082
Prepare um gradiente Sunburst
Abra o alpha channel [alpha] - Duplique (shift+d) - Feche o original Pinte a imagem com o gradiente Selections - Select all Copie a imagem [36ddba9e] e cole na seleção Select none Effects - Image Effects - Seamless Tiling - default
Adjust - Blur - Radial Blur
Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance Effects - Texture Effects - Blinds - cor do background
2 Adicione nova layer Pinte com o gradiente Layers - New mask layer - From image - Mask [mask1]
Merge Group Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance Adicione nova layer Selectio s- Load selection from alpha channel - Selection #1
Selections - Promote selection to layer Adicione nova layer Pinte a layer com a cor do foreground Effects - Texture Effects - Blinds - igual ao anterior
Select none Effects - Plugins - Toadies - What are you? - default
Effects - Distortion Effects - warp
3 Layers - Duplicate Image - Mirror - Mirror Vertical Merge Down Drop shadow: 0 0 70 20 preto Copie o tube misted [36ddba] e cole como nova layer Merge down Selections - Load selection from alpha channel - Selection #3
Selections - Promote selection to layer Copie a imagem [winter01] e cole na seleção Select none Layers - Arrange - Move Down Merge All Image - Add borders - 1px - cor do foreground Image - Add borders - 2px - cor do backgorund Image - Add borders - 1px - cor do foreground Selections - Select all Image - Add borders - 50px - cor do background Selections - Invert Effects - Texture Effects - Blinds - cor do foreground
Selections - Invert Drop shadow: 1 1 70 20 preto Repita o Drop shadow com V e H negativos Select none Image - Add borders - 1px - cor do foreground Image - Add borders - 2px - cor do background Image - Add borders - 1px - cor do foreground Layers - Promote background to layer Selections - Load selection from alpha channel - Selection #2
Selections - Promote selection to layer Selections - Float - Selections - Defloat Selections - Modify - Select selection borders
Selections - Invert Pressione Delete no teclado Selections - invert Effects - plugins - Eye Candy 5: Impact - Glass - Preset [esglass]
Clique no centro do círculo com a Magic Wand - tolerance/feather=0 Copie o tube [29efb8f2] e cole na seleção Select none Merge down Copie o tube [advent] e cole como nova layer Objects - Align - Right Objects - Align - Bottom Drop Shadow igual anterior Merge all Adjust - Sharpness - unsharp Mask - default
Image - Resize: 1000px (width) Coloque as assinaturas Merge all Salve como jpeg * Thank you Irene for testing my translations