This tutorial is from Stardesignpsp who I thank for letting me translate their tutorials.

Original here



Many thanks to the creators of these materials

20 20 - mask

Preset_UserDefinedFilter_Emboss_3 - colocar pasta Presets
sel1_1.06_23_stella - colocar pasta Selections


Unlimited 2/ [AFS IMPORT]_ MIRROFF
Unlimited 2/ Toadies_ What are you?

You can find these plugins on the websites of:


You can also find this tutorial translated into these languages:
(Click on the flag)




> Open the material / Duplicate (shift+d) / Close the originals
> Change the blend mode of the layers to match their colors.
> In older versions of PSP, Mirror Horizontal=Mirror / Mirror Vertical=Flip / Pick tool=deformation

Colors used in the original version:

Open a new transparent image measuring 900x600px
Open the image [paisaje_ariarttg2] in psp
Layers / Promote Background Layer
Layers - Load mask from disk - Mask [20-20]

Merge Group
Copy the image
Return to your working image
Paste as a new layer
Do not move

Activate the background layer
Paint the layer with the color #3b5c41

Activate the layer with the landscape
Layers / duplicate
Effects - Image Effects - Seamless Tiling

Layers - Arrange - Move down
Merge down

Layers - duplicate
Effects - Artistic Effects - Brush Strokes -color #4e7296

Layers - Properties - blend Mode: Overlay

Activate the top layer - Raster 2
Objects - Align - Left (it may have (you need to slide the image a little bit to the left)

Activate the background layer - Raster 1
Layers - Duplicate
Effects - Image Effects - seamless Tiling

Effects - User Defined Filter - Emboss 3

Activate the background layer
Adjust - blur - gaussian blur=15

Activate the layer above - copy of raster 1
Layers - properties - blend mode: soft light or another of your choice

Copy the main tube [1356-vmtubes4] and paste it as a new layer
Layers - Arrange - bring to top
Image - resize: 75% - all layers unchecked
Position it to the right according to the model
Drop shadow of your choice

Edit - copy special - copy merged
Paste as a new image and minimize (we will use it later)

Open a new transparent image measuring 1100x800px
Selections - select all
Paste in the selection the image copied above
Select none
Adjust - blur - radial blur

Layers - duplicate
Image - resize: 90% - all layers unchecked
Effects - plugins - Unlimited 2 - [AFS IMPORT] - MIRROFF - default

Layers - duplicate
Effects - plugins - unlimited 2 - toadies - what are you?

Layers - properties - blend mode: multiply

Activate the layer below - copy of raster 1
Selections - select all
Selections - float - selections - defloat
Selections - modify - expand:1

Drop shadow: 0 0 70 10 black
Select none

Activate the upper layer - copy (2) of raster 1
Activate the reserved image again
Edit - copy special - copy merged
Return to your working image (second image)
Paste as a new layer
Drop Shadow: 0 0 70 10 black

Activate the Raster 2 layer
Open the tube [adornos_1.6.23] in psp
With the Raster 2 layer activated, copy and paste as a new layer
Do not move
Effects - 3D effects - inner bevel

Drop Shadow - 1 (-1) 70 1 #66b370

Add new layer
Selections - load selection from disk - selection [sel1_1.06_23_stella]

Copy the image [mentali-papetterie15 (1)] and paste it into the selection
Adjust - Hue and saturation - colorize (optional)

Drop shadow: 0 0 70 10 black
Select none

Copy the image [adornos_1.6.23] again, this time with the Raster 1 layer activated
Activate the Raster 1 layer of your work
Paste as a new layer
Image / Add borders / 1px / #40ff40

Place the signatures
Merge all
Save as jpeg


Thank you Irene for testing my translations