This tutorial is from PSP Met Plezier who I thank for
letting me translate their tutorials.

Original here



Many thanks to the creators of
these materials

Unlimited 2
Eye Candy 5: Nature

You can find these plugins on the websites of:

You can also find this tutorial translated into these languages:
(Click on the flag)

> Open the material / Duplicate (shift+d) / Close the originals
> Change the blend mode of the layers to match their colors.
> In older versions of PSP, Mirror Horizontal=Mirror / Mirror Vertical=Flip /
Pick tool=deformation
> Open the masks in psp and
>Adjust the size of the tubes according to your images
>>Double click on the prest [Ri@MC311] so that it
is installed in the plugin
Set the color #911014 in the foreground and the color #ffffff in the

Open the alpha channel in psp - duplicate (Shift+d) - Close the
Selections - Select all
Copy the tube [tk-HappyHolidays-tube3] and paste it in the selection
Select none
Effects - Image Effects - Seamless tiling

Adjust - Blur - Radial Blur

Merge all
Layers - Duplicate
Effects - Plugins - Mehdi - Sorting Tiles

Effects -Plugins - Mehdi - Sorting tiles

Effects - Plugins - unlimited 2 - Todies - Weaver

Effects - Plugins - Mehdi - sorting Tiles

Layers - Duplicate
Effects - Plugins - Simple - Zoom out and Flip

Add new layer
Paint with the background color
Layers - New Mask Layer - From image - Mask [MASK-MD-048]

Merge Group
Effects - Plugins - Xero - Clarity - default

Merge down
Add new layer
Selections - Load selection from alpha channel - Selection #1

Paint the selection with the foreground color
Effects - Plugins - Carolaine and Sensibility - CS_LDots

Select none
Layers - Duplicate
Image - Mirror - Mirror Horizontal
Image - Mirror - Mirror Vertical
Merge down
Drop shadow -3 -3 35 20 black
Effects - plugins - Simple - 4 Way Average

Effects - Plugins - Unlimited 2 - toadies - Weaver

Effects - Distortion Effects - Wave

Effects - Image Effects - Seamless Tiling

Merge visible
Copy the tube [by Ri@-241124] and paste as new layer
Effects - Image Effects - Offset [120/47]

Add new layer
Selections - Load selection from alpha channel - Selection #2

Paint the selection with the foreground color
Effects - plugins - Carolaine and Sensibility - CS-LDots

Select none
Effects - Plugins - eye Candy 5: Nature - Snowdrift - Preset

Copy the tube [text-165-merry christmas-Ri@] and paste it as a new
Effects - Image Effects - Offset [357/99]

Effects - plugins - Xero - Clarity

Open the tube [christmas present] and paste it as a new layer
Effects - Image Effects - Offset [338/-207]

Copy the tube [tk-HappyHolidays-tube3] and paste it as a new layer
Image - Resize: 70% - all layers unchecked
Effects - Image Effects - Offset [-246/-10]

Drop shadow: 0 0 60 50 black
Merge All
Image - Add borders - 2px - background color
Image - Add borders - 2px - foreground color
Image - Add borders - 2px - background color
Image - Add borders - 2px - foreground color
Image - Add borders - 20px - background color
Image - Add borders -15px - foreground color
Image - Add borders - 40px - background color
Copy the tube [text-MC-Ri@] and paste as a new layer
Position it on the top edge according to the model
Copy the tube [bird] and paste as a new layer
Position it below according to the model
Place the signatures
Image - add borders - 1px - foreground color
Image - Resize: 900px (width)
Save as jpeg
Thank you Irene for testing my translations
