This tutorial is from Natália Raposo who I thank for
letting me translate their tutorials.
Original here
Many thanks to the creators of
these materials
AFS Import
You can find these plugins on the websites of:
You can also find this tutorial translated into these languages:
(Click on the flag)
> Open the material / Duplicate (shift+d) / Close the originals
> Change the blend mode of the layers to match their colors.
> In older versions of PSP, Mirror Horizontal=Mirror / Mirror Vertical=Flip /
Pick tool=deformation
> Open the masks in psp and
>Adjust the size of the tubes according to your images
>>Save the selections in the PSP Selections folder
Choose two colors from your tubes - Put a dark color in the
foreground and a light color in the background
Prepare a Linear gradient
Open a new transparent image measuring 800x600px
Paint with the gradient
Selections - Select all
Copy the main tube and paste it into the selection
Select none
Effects - image effects - Seamless tiling - default
Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur: 25
Effects - plugins - Unlimited 2 - AFS Import - Streaker - default
Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance More
Layers - Duplicate
Effects - Plugins - unlimited 2 - AFS Import - BugEye
Effects - Reflection Effects - Rotating Mirror - Default
Effects - plugins - Unlimited 2 - AFS Import - MRRBEVL
Effects - Plugins - Unlimited 2 - AFS Import - Colgrid - Default
Layers - Properties - blend Mode: Dissolve
Add new layer
Selections - Load selection from disk - Selection
Paint with gradient
Adjust - Add / Remove Noise - Add Noise
Keep the selection
Copy the main tube and paste as a new layer
Resize if necessary
Use the Move tool, position it on top of the selection
Selections - Invert
Press Delete on the keyboard
Selections - Invert
Selections - Modify - Select selection borders
Selections - promote selection to layer
Add new layer
Paint the border white
Effects - 3D Effects - Inner Bevel - Preset [Frame]
Drop shadow: 5 5 50 10 black
Repeat the Drop Shadow with negative V and H
Select none
Activate the layer Copy of Raster 1
Selections - Load selection from disk - Selection
Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur: 10
Selections - Modify - Selection select borders
Add new layer
Paint the selection with the gradient
Effects - 3D Effects - Inner Bevel - same as before
Drop shadow: 5 5 50 10 black
Repeat the Drop Shadow with negative V and H
Select none
Copy the text (activate the Raster 4 layer of the tube) and paste it
as a new layer
Layers - Arrange - bring to top
Position according to the model (Colorize if necessary)
Copy the deco tube (activate the Raster 1 layer of the tube) and
paste it as a new layer
Activate the Pick Tool and set: X=48 - Y=68
Effects - plugins - Simple - Top Left Mirror
Image - Add borders - 2px - foreground color
Image - Add borders - 4px - white
Image - Add borders - 2px - foreground color
Image - Add borders - 25px - white
Image - Add borders - 1px - black
Image - Add borders - 35px - white
Image - Add borders - 2px - foreground color
Image - Add borders - 4px - white
Image - Add borders - 2px - foreground color
Place signatures
Merge all
Save as jpeg